
Hello, it's me, Miley. Mommy has been working a lot lately but I am forcing her to post a few pics. She has got a Monday report deadline to meet so no fieldwork for me this weekend.
I love working in the mountains and getting away from the heat. There are so many little streams to walk through as well as the aptly named Mountain Ditch (dates to 1922) in the Absaroka Mountains. My paws are frequently wet. Mommy made me cross the Little Popo Agie River south of Lander in the Wind River Mountains last week. I had cool water above my tummy, it was invigorating. Mommy had water almost up to her knees -she had to drain her boots afterwards. We found a little abandoned gold mine (cabins, prospecting pits, adit, etc.) several miles from the South Pass City Mining District (http://www.southpasscity.com/) which is far larger than South Pass City itself. Mommy took a picture of me standing by an adit (horizontal shaft) which was totally hidden by a tree. This was my first trip to the South Zone of Shoshone National Forest.
I love working in the mountains and getting away from the heat. There are so many little streams to walk through as well as the aptly named Mountain Ditch (dates to 1922) in the Absaroka Mountains. My paws are frequently wet. Mommy made me cross the Little Popo Agie River south of Lander in the Wind River Mountains last week. I had cool water above my tummy, it was invigorating. Mommy had water almost up to her knees -she had to drain her boots afterwards. We found a little abandoned gold mine (cabins, prospecting pits, adit, etc.) several miles from the South Pass City Mining District (http://www.southpasscity.com/) which is far larger than South Pass City itself. Mommy took a picture of me standing by an adit (horizontal shaft) which was totally hidden by a tree. This was my first trip to the South Zone of Shoshone National Forest.
Happy summer, Miley